Portrait Vladimir Raynovski

13.04.2020 Vladimir Raynovski works as a project manager at STRABAG AG in Bulgaria. Thanks to his Master of Science in Wood Technologies, he is able to complete a PhD program part-time at the University of Barcelona.

Portrait Vladimir Raynovski
"BFH has taught me to be more consistent and methodical, which helps me in my day-to-day work as a project manager," says Vladimir Raynovski.

What did you study at BFH? When did you complete your studies?

I did a Master of Science in Wood Technology from 2014 to 2016. My Master of Science in Wood Technology helped me get accepted in UIC Barcelona, where I currently do my PhD on the topic “The potential of High-Rise timber-concrete structures”.

What have you learned from your studies at BFH? How can you apply what you have learned in your day-to-day work?

BFH has taught me to be more consistent and methodical, which helps me in my day-to-day work as a project manager.

Looking back, what did you miss during your time at BFH?

To make the course "Practical Placement" (5 ECTS) in a company mandatory.

What does your current job look like?

I am currently a project manager at STRABAG, one of the biggest construction companies in the world. I also own the private design Office Raynovski Architects, which focuses on sustainable design and timber structures. In the last year I achieved to sign a contract as a consultant for two investment projects: a 5-story logistic center and a holiday complex made of 3-story houses. This year, I also became a partner at Studio Hora, a design office that focuses on new trends and innovation.

Get involved in as many projects as possible. You never know what might be the direct and indirect benefit.

Vladimir Raynovski
Vladimir Raynovski Project manager

What fascinates you about your work?

As a project manager at STRABAG I have to coordinate the whole construction process, from excavation, to rough structure, and from building installation to interior finishes and furniture. 

As the owner and partner at Raynovski Architects, I spend 30% of my time on looking for new clients. Another 40% I invest in designing, the actual drawing, and the last 30% are management related.

What was the most formative event in your professional career?

1. I signed a 2-year R&D contract with KLH Massivholz GmbH to develop my doctoral thesis prototype of a new timber hybrid floor system. I hope the prototype validation of my floor system to be successful and to apply for patent.

2. This year my collaboration with arch. Hodkevich brought me the velux international architectural award, which will give me more popularity and hopefully bring future projects on a bigger scale.

What advice would you give to future and current students?

Get involved in as many projects as possible. You never know what might be the direct and indirect benefit. You can learn new skills, meet people that can become your future network, become more multidisciplinary, improve your professional portfolio and much more.

What do you do in your free time?

I do skateboarding for fun, I ski in winter and surf in summer and during week days I dance Salsa.