Science Slam Bern 25.04.2024

Researchers from a wide range of disciplines present their research as quickly and entertainingly as possible – and receive a rating for it.

25.04.2024, 7pm until 25.04.2024, 10pm – Stellwerk Bern, Parkterrasse 16, 3012 Bern

The Bern Science Slam is back! Last held in 2015, science enthusiasts were able to be entertained, learn something new – and vote on which science slammers presented their topic best.

The concept is simple: all science slammers are given a stage, just under 10 minutes and the medium of their choice to present their research. And in as entertaining a way as possible. After all, their task is to inspire and engage the audience. This is the only way they can win the title of "Science Slam Champion".

Alumni BFH supports the Science Slam as a sponsor.

Keyvisual Science Slam Bern 2024


  • Start date 25.04.2024, 7pm
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  • End date 25.04.2024, 10pm
  • Place Stellwerk Bern, Parkterrasse 16, 3012 Bern